Ready for a new game?

Invent your game

We would like to encourage you to take part in a competition and are providing a set of game materials that you have already received from us or that you can order free of charge when you place an order. The set includes 4 pawns, a dice and some red discs – nothing more.


We are excited to hear your ideas…


Just join in!

Informations about the set

Game material set

The set consists of 4 pawns 12×24 mm, a 6-sided dice 16mm and some red discs 15mm.


  • All participants receive a 5% voucher for shopping at (cannot be combined with other discount codes)
  • Further non-cash prizes will be raffled among the participants.

Competition is still ongoing:

2025/01/01 00:00:00

How you can participate: Step 1

Simply formulate your idea, send a picture and a short description.

We will publish your ideas on this page:

You decide whether your name should be there, whether the complete rule should be downloadable or not and whether there should be a way to contact you.

You remain the legal owner of your game and can do whatever you want with it. With the competition we just want to show everyone how creative authors are and what you can create with a little material. The whole thing is just supposed to be fun.

Step 2:

Explain us your game idea